Sat Jan 11, 1:30 PM - Sat Jan 11, 5:30 PM
1207 SW 16th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601

Community: Gainesville


Our 2nd Annual Dark & Tart is coming up soon! Tickets include food and unlimited beer tastings.

Event Details

Beers will mostly be Stouts and Sours.

Calusa Nordrassil
American Wild Ale / 8% ABV / 240 CAL / Sarasota, FL /
A collaborative blend of Barrel-aged Brett Saison and Foeder-fermented Wild Ale. An ancient tree, sky-piercing and immortal, raised from the deepest roots of friendship and collaboration. The hallowed branches of our...

The Bruery Terreux Rueuze
American Wild Ale / 6% ABV / 180 CAL / Anaheim, CA /
Rueuze is our take on the traditional Belgian-style blend of lambics of different ages. We carefully select a number of oak barrels from our warehouse that have been aging...

The Bruery Terreux Sour in the Rye (2015)
American Wild Ale / 7.6% ABV / 5 IBU / 228 CAL / Anaheim, CA /
Sour in the Rye is an American wild ale. A challenging beer to brew due to the substantial amount of rye malt, but you’ll be glad we took the time....

The Bruery Sour in the Rye (2014)
American Wild Ale / 7.6% ABV / 228 CAL / Placentia, CA /
Sour in the Rye is an American wild ale. A challenging beer to brew due to the substantial amount of rye malt, but you’ll be glad we took the time....

Plan Bee Farm Barn Beer
American Wild Ale / 5.5% ABV / 165 CAL / Poughkeepsie, NY /
Barn Beer - Coolship Cooled 100% NY ingredient wild Farmhouse Ale. The aroma dances between fruity funky yeast & lemon/pine hop notes with little to no hop presence in the...

Sand City Fools And Kings
Barleywine - Other / 10% ABV / 300 CAL / Northport, NY / Coffee Barleywine, collaboration with Kings Coast Coffee.

Creature Comforts Booger Hill
Bière de Garde / 7.8% ABV / 234 CAL / Athens, GA /
Booger Hill is a rustic, barrel-aged Biere de Garde made with local honey from Booger Hill Bee Company in Danielsville, GA. Brewed Dec 2014. Bottled 2016 and disgorged September 2017....

Calusa Imperial Barrel Aged Dissonance Breakfast Brown
Brown Ale - Imperial / 13% ABV / 390 CAL / Sarasota, FL /
Dissonance Breakfast Brown Ale gets the Imperial treatment with locally roasted whole-bean coffee and Saigon cinnamon. Aged in Oak Bourbon Barrels.

The Bruery Terreux Saison Rue (2015)
Farmhouse Ale - Saison / 8.5% ABV / 255 CAL / Anaheim, CA /
Saison Rue is an unfiltered, bottle conditioned, Belgian/French-style farmhouse ale. This

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