We also have several NRA Instructor's and a Chief Range Officer on staff full-time to assist the beginner to advanced shooters.
The Range, which is climate controlled and has a modern air filtration system, is staffed by a full-time Chief Range Safety Officer. We welcome all shooters from novice to expert; civilian or military/law enforcement; individuals, families, or groups. Please bring your valid, state issued, photo identification card. You may shoot your own firearm or choose one from our extensive collection rental firearms. These include Semi-auto pistols, double & single action revolvers, and variety of pistol caliber rifles. This is a great way to try before you buy, or just simply try a gun that you do not have in your collection.
Harry Beckwith Gun Dealer & Indoor Range offers a great supply of range ammo, Hornady, Remington, Federal, Winchester, PMC, and we pride ourselves on always having it in stock. We do allow patrons to bring their own ammo to use in the range, but ammunition must be purchased from Harry Beckwith Gun Dealer for use in our rental guns. Don't have your equipment, or are a new shooter? Don't worry, we have everything you will need to get shooting in no time!
"The right of the people to keep and bear…arms shall not be infringed. A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country…” ~James
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Get to know Harry Beckwith Gun Dealer and Indoor Pistol Range
Harry Beckwith Gun & Range consists of gun shop and 10, 25-yard, electronically controlled lanes, including a wheel chair accessible lane.
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