After a decade of success with measurable results, the Safe Climate Coalition felt it was time to widen the focus beyond safe schools and reach out to our local communities, where an even greater impact can be made through education and advocacy of healthy living. The goal remains the same: teaching Lake County youth how to make healthier choices and create safer environments both at home and in their community.
Who is Be Free Lake?
1. We focus on reducing and preventing substance abuse and violence among our youth. Strategies include trainings for law enforcement and other public leaders and presentations at community events.
2. We develop the Lake County Community Resource Guide, a comprehensive guide to available agencies and program resources. Help is available for most situations; food, shelter, communication, transportation. The up-to-date guide, along with the Connection Helpline, closes the gap in finding solutions.
3. We use evidence based programs and projects to help empower individuals and systems to meet life's challenges with healthy choices and positive behavior.
4. We encourage all service providers in Lake County to use only evidence based programs and projects that reduce the risk factors and increase the protective factor
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Get to know Be Free Lake
For ten years, the Safe Climate Coalition has been working hand-in-hand with local agencies and non-profit organizations to develop and implement strategies to create safer schools through the prevention of substance abuse and violence.
Be Free Lake Photos