To an outsider, Gainesville is a desert wasteland that is only defined by the University of Florida, but if you've lived here for a decent amount of time there are a few things you will learn.
1. If you travel 20 minutes away from the University of Florida there are much more intense Gator fans than there are on campus.
2. If Dennis comes up to you with his tiny shorts on, avoid eye contact and watch from a distance.
3. This is one of the coolest places in the entire country, and contrary to popular belief, there aren't too many dull moments and plenty of things to do in Gainesville.
These are some fact that you only get to learn after exploring Gainesville for a while. But once you think you know all there is to know about this town, something else comes out of nowhere. One of the most satisfying things to do when you are exploring the area is finding a restaurant in Gainesville that is a complete and total gem. Here are some of the best-underrated restaurants in Gainesville.
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